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Article: 10 Natural Ways to Increase Fertility: Things You Can Do Now

10 Natural Ways to Increase Fertility: Things You Can Do Now

10 Natural Ways to Increase Fertility: Things You Can Do Now

When trying to get pregnant turns into frustration, it’s a good idea to start exploring all the areas that could impact your ability to conceive. Here is a fertility support guide that will help you take control of the process.

Key Highlights

  • Infertility can affect either partner, so both should be evaluated.
  • Regular OB/GYN visits help ensure reproductive health by addressing hormonal imbalances or blockages.
  • Acupuncture can enhance fertility by reducing stress and improving blood flow.
  • Addressing the root causes of infertility, such as hormonal imbalances or conditions like PCOS, is essential.
  • Combine acupuncture with traditional fertility treatments like IVF to increase success rates and alleviate side effects


Getting pregnant can be the simplest thing in the world or the most complicated when it’s not going as planned. There can be so much pain and emotion associated with the struggles of conception. When a couple faces infertility issues and starts stressing about becoming pregnant, the added pressure and self-doubt, unfortunately, don’t help the body get into a relaxed and receptive state conducive to getting pregnant.

The World Health Organization, WHO, reports that one in six people worldwide experience infertility at some point in their lives experience. When you take into account the fact that this number is based upon only the number of women who visit an infertility doctor for treatment and the fact that many couples never seek treatment for their infertility, this number is probably far greater.

Getting pregnant involves so much more than just bringing together two people in love at the right time of the month. It’s an intricate and often misunderstood miracle that needs to occur.  In the woman’s body, it is a balance between the hypothalamus, reproductive glands and the pituitary gland.  In the man, it is a balance of producing the necessary amount of sperm and having the ability of delivering the sperm to fertilize an egg at the proper time.  When these all function together properly, the stage is set for having a baby.

10 Natural Strategies to Enhance Fertility: Key Actions to Take Today

Optimize your chances of getting pregnant by using natural ways to boost fertility. Start by changing your diet to eat more fertility-boosting foods, like whole grains and healthy fats. Keep a healthy weight by exercising regularly, as extra weight can affect hormone balance. Manage stress well with mindfulness techniques. Make sure you get enough quality sleep to help your fertility. Try to limit exposure to toxins in the environment and think about herbal supplements that can enhance fertility. Stay hydrated, cut back on caffeine intake, and ask fertility specialists for advice that is tailored to you. Let's explore some natural ways to help you on your journey to better fertility.

1. Optimize Your Diet with Fertility-Boosting Foods

By adding fertility-boosting foods to your meals, you can help your reproductive health. Focus on whole grains and healthy fats, like omega-3 fatty acids found in walnuts. Don't forget to include dairy products for calcium and leafy greens for folic acid. Try to limit caffeine and alcohol consumption because they may harm your fertility. A balanced diet with many nutrients can improve your overall health and might help to boost fertility. Make sure to eat a variety of nutrients to support your body in this important area of your well-being.

2. Track Your Menstrual Cycle and Understand Ovulation

By keeping track of your menstrual cycle, you can find out the best time to conceive. Knowing about ovulation is important for boosting your fertility. You can use methods like watching for changes in cervical mucus, keeping a record of your basal body temperature, or using ovulation predictor kits. These ways help you find your most fertile days. Recognizing the signs of ovulation also helps with timing intercourse. Taking this step can improve your chances of getting pregnant by matching intimacy with your body's natural rhythm of fertility.

3. Send Him To The Doctor

While close to half of infertility problems stem from the woman’s body, sometimes it’s an issue on the part of the would-be father. Sending him to the doctor for a fertility evaluation is a crucial step in the journey to conception. By consulting with a healthcare provider, your partner can undergo tests to assess his sperm count, motility, and overall reproductive health. Identifying any possible issues early on can help determine the best course of action to improve fertility levels and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Communication and support are key in facing fertility challenges together as a couple.

4. Visit Your OB/GYN

Ask your doctor to make sure everything is functioning properly in your body, that follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) are at the proper levels and that there is no blockages in the fallopian tubes. One of the most common reasons for infertility is anovulation, or an ovulation disorder, where a mature egg fails to be released from the ovary and ovulation does not occur.

Often, this is caused by a hormonal imbalance. Low levels of progesterone, for instance, prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. Another common cause of ovulation not occurring is high levels of prolactin, the hormone generated to produce breast milk. When it comes to enhancing your fertility, visiting your OB/GYN is crucial. Your obstetrician/gynecologist can provide valuable insights into your reproductive health and offer personalized recommendations to improve your chances of conceiving.

5. Visit Your Acupuncturist

Acupuncture has helped many women, especially when combined with herbal remedies, to treat elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is necessary to create an environment for a fertilized egg to implant and develop.  The pituitary also plays a huge role in the reproductive cycle. Acupuncture has been shown to increase fertility by reducing stress and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs. One of the issues of infertility is often caused by an imbalance in the endocrine system, sometimes caused by a hypo or hyperthyroid.  Hypothyroidism is an under-functioning thyroid, while hyperthyroidism is an over-functioning thyroid gland. Either one can throw the woman’s body into confusion when trying to conceive. Stress is no small factor when it comes to infertility. Stress causes the brain to release what has been dubbed the stress hormone, cortisol.

6. Manage Stress Through Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Relieving stress is very important for improving fertility. Stress increases Cortisol, creating a hormonal imbalance within the pituitary functions.  It creates a flight or fight reaction, which is counterproductive when trying to conceive.  Mindfulness and relaxation methods can help your hormone levels and reproductive health, which may boost your chances of getting pregnant. Practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga are useful for managing stress. When you add these techniques to your daily routine, you create a good environment for conception. It's important to have a relaxed mind and body for the best fertility. Try to make time for self-care in your busy day to improve your overall health and well-being.

7. Limit Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins can harm fertility. To boost fertility, you should reduce your exposure to pollutants around you. These toxins can upset hormone levels and damage your reproductive system. Choose organic products to lower pesticide exposure. Stay away from plastics and use glass containers for food storage to limit contact with harmful chemicals like BPA. Making these simple changes can lead to a healthier reproductive system and improve your chances of conception.

8. Ensure Adequate Sleep for Hormonal Balance

Getting enough sleep is very important for keeping hormones balanced, which is vital for fertility. When you don’t sleep enough, it can throw off your hormone levels. This can harm ovulation and your overall reproductive health. Try to get 7-9 hours of good sleep every night to help your body work well. While you sleep, your body controls key hormones like cortisol and melatonin, which are essential for reproductive health. Make rest a priority to improve your chances of getting pregnant and maintaining balanced hormone levels.

9. Maintain a Balanced Body Weight for Fertility

Striving for a healthy body weight is important for better fertility. Too much body fat can change hormone levels, which may affect ovulation. Being underweight can also cause irregular menstrual cycles, reducing the chances of getting pregnant. Keeping a healthy weight with a balanced diet and regular exercise is essential. This helps overall health and raises the chances of conception. Living in a way that encourages a healthy body weight not only boosts fertility but also supports well-being. Focus on a holistic approach to improve your reproductive health.

10. Incorporate Regular, Moderate Exercise

Engaging in regular, moderate exercise is important for your overall health and fertility. Being active helps you maintain a healthy body weight, balance hormone levels, and improve reproductive function. It also lowers stress, which can help fertility. Try activities like brisk walking, yoga, or swimming to boost your fertility naturally. Remember to stay moderate. Too much exercise can hurt fertility, so find a good balance that works for you. Stay active and stay healthy!

Understanding the Role of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Fertility

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are important for helping with fertility. Acupuncture helps by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and balancing hormone levels. TCM supports women’s reproductive health by promoting balance in the body. Together, these methods provide natural solutions that work well with traditional treatments. They can help people improve their fertility and overall health. Knowing more about acupuncture and TCM can give useful ideas for enhancing reproductive health naturally.

How Acupuncture Supports Fertility

Acupuncture can help with fertility in several ways. It increases blood flow to the reproductive organs, balances hormone levels, and lowers stress. This practice can improve overall health and fix certain fertility issues, like irregular menstrual cycles or hormone problems. By activating acupoints in the body, acupuncture promotes a healthy female reproductive tract, which can make it easier to conceive. Many people find acupuncture to be a relaxing and helpful part of their journey to improve fertility.

The Impact of TCM on Women's Reproductive Health

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is important for improving women's reproductive health. TCM aims to restore balance in the body to help promote natural fertility. By fixing imbalances and boosting overall health, TCM can help menstrual cycles, hormone levels, and the reproductive system. It uses methods like acupuncture and herbal remedies to support fertility. These techniques can improve egg quality, regulate ovulation, and increase the chances of getting pregnant. TCM takes a complete view of fertility, connecting the body, mind, and spirit.

Acupuncture to Support IVF And Other Fertility Treatments

Many women have turned to alternative medicine treatments, like acupuncture, to find success.  Some are successful with using acupuncture alone or in correlation with Chinese herbs.  Others have already chosen to seek IVF treatment and want an added boost.

Fertility drugs prescribed with Western traditional medicine produce a pregnancy in between 6 to 35 percent of women, with women younger than 35 years of age having a much better chance than those older than 40.  However, this often comes with some nasty side effects. When acupuncture is used alongside traditional treatments, many women have found successful pregnancy rates as well as relief from some of the side effects of the drugs, like nausea, bloating, and tenderness.

Acupuncture to Support Ongoing Pregnancy

When faced with infertility, the goal is not to just get pregnant.  These couples want to experience a full nine months of a pregnancy that results in the delivery of a healthy baby. One of the wonderful benefits of acupuncture is that it can provide better blood flow to organs that support a healthy pregnancy and help to create an environment where the ovaries will have the blood flow needed to produce an egg and enough blood flow to give that egg a chance to implant and grow into a baby inside the uterus. Increasing blood flow to create a thick, rich lining of the endometrium is just one of the benefits that acupuncture delivers.

Once the couple conceives, acupuncture can help to maintain a healthy environment for the baby to develop properly. It is also quite effective in use to alleviate morning sickness, lower back aches, and fearful anxiety and stress.

Lifestyle Adjustments to Support Fertility

Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is important for improving fertility. Building supportive relationships is also a key part of this change. Managing stress is essential for better reproductive health. You should focus on creating a space that promotes relaxation and mental well-being, as this can benefit your fertility. Practicing mindfulness and taking care of yourself can greatly help you on your path to better fertility. Keep in mind that having a healthy mind and body is crucial for boosting your chances of getting pregnant.

Balancing Work and Relaxation for Optimal Fertility

To improve fertility, it’s important to balance work and relaxation. When you are very stressed, it can upset your hormones, affecting fertility. You can try relaxation methods like mindfulness or yoga to help ease stress. Make sure to take regular breaks at work to relax and focus on self-care. Doing things you enjoy outside of work can also help lower your stress. Remember, caring for your mental health is just as important as your physical health if you want to improve your fertility.

The Importance of a Supportive Community and Relationships

Creating a warm and caring space with supportive relationships is very important for boosting fertility. A positive community can help lower stress, which is key for reproductive health. Talking about worries with understanding people can give emotional support during tough times with fertility. Having a strong support system allows for open chats and access to helpful advice. Making meaningful connections helps you feel you belong and stay positive, which can improve your well-being and fertility.

What's Next?

Improving fertility naturally means taking care of many areas of your life. This includes your diet, exercise, stress management, and lifestyle changes. By focusing on your overall health, keeping a healthy body weight, and knowing your menstrual cycle, you can greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Working with a fertility specialist or a holistic health expert can give you advice that matches your needs. Remember, small changes in your habits can lead to a big impact on your fertility journey. Stay positive and take action in your path to becoming a parent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the first steps I should take if I’m having trouble conceiving?

  • Consult with experts.
  • Explore lifestyle changes like improving your diet.
  • Focus on managing your weight.
  • Include exercise in your routine.
  • Manage your stress levels.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Avoid toxins.
  • Consider herbal supplements.
  • Track your cycle.
  • Stay hydrated.

These steps can help boost your fertility naturally.

Can certain foods improve my fertility?

Eating fertility-boosting foods, such as leafy greens, berries, and nuts, can help your reproductive health. These foods are high in vitamins and minerals that are important for balancing hormones and improving egg quality. This could make a positive difference in fertility.

How does stress affect fertility, and what can I do about it?

Chronic stress can throw off your hormones, which may impact your fertility. To fight this, try relaxation methods like mindfulness or yoga. Make sure you get enough sleep. You can also do things like meditation to lower stress. It’s helpful to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist to manage stress better.

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Stephanie Hartselle, MD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

There are few professionals I feel are brilliant enough for patient and family member referrals. Dr. Catherine is the first name I discuss when sending anyone for acupuncture.

Laura Whiteley, MD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Dr. Catherine is a true professional. She makes all her clients feel comfortable and her ability to heal is exceptional.

Kristine Mortel, MD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

The most visceral compliment I can give though is this; I am a doctor and I'm truly grateful and at ease to be a patient under her care.

James Rayner, MD

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I was lucky enough to discover Dr. Catherine’s beautiful space at a very stressful time. Her warmth and skill were outstanding. So relaxing and definitely the best acupuncture I’ve ever experienced.

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