Facial Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture, is an ancient Chinese practice that has gained popularity in the Western world as a natural alternative to invasive anti-aging treatments. It works by internally stimulating collagen and elastin production which tighten and plumps the skin. These treatments offers benefits such as reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving complexion, and enhancing skin elasticity.
Facial Acupuncture Rejuvenates Your Skin From The Inside Out, Naturally
Facial acupuncture is a non-invasive treatment that involves inserting tiny needles into specific points on the face to stimulate blood flow, boost collagen production, and promote the body's natural healing processes. Providing a natural and effective way to address signs of aging, boost skin health, and achieve a more youthful appearance.
How Facial Acupuncture Works
Cosmetic acupuncture creates tiny microtraumas in the skin, and the body responds to these by filling in the microtraumas with protein. This protein happens to be collagen, which restores plumpness and helps smooth out fine lines.
Stimulates Collagen Production
Fine needles create tiny "microtraumas" in the skin to increase collagen production
Increases Blood Circulation
Improves blood flow to the face, delivering more oxygen and nutrients for the skin to repair itself
Reduces Inflammation & Puffiness
Helps drain excess fluids that cause puffiness, especially in the, cheeks, jawline and under-eye area
Reduces Jaw Tension
Helps release jaw tension, easing TMJ symptoms and reducing the appearance of a "tight" or "clenched" jaw
Improved Skin Texture
Increased collagen, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation lead to an overall improvement in skin texture
Brighter Complexion
Increased blood circulation helps contributes to a brighter, healthier complexion
The Fascia Ecosystem
Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. One secret to fresh-looking skin is reversing the crystallized state of the fascia in the neck and face. Acupuncture helps release fascial adhesions in areas where the fascia becomes stuck together, restricting movement and blood flow. This increases facial mobility & reduces facial tension. Resulting in skin that looks lifted, glowing, and less puffy or wrinkled.
Celebrated by Patients
Beth Harrison
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
You must treat your face and your whole being to treatment with Dr. Catherine.
GoogleBeecher Leonard-Fritzmeier
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I received the Bespoke Facial Rejuvenation Treatment and walked out feeling and looking incredible.
GoogleElizabeth Jackson
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I am a 70-year-old woman who had skied, sailed and had an active outdoor life. Dr. Catherine has made me feel and look much younger. An exceptional experience.
GoogleCaitlin Hill
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Time with Dr. Catherine is a safe haven, a palate cleanser for the soul and a reset for the body — and more. I highly recommend seeing Dr. Catherine.
GoogleLet's uncover the path to your most vibrant self
You deserve to look amazing. Let's schedule time to determine how you can feel and look your best
Some Questions You Might Have
Everyone is different. Enhancing the appearance of a tired 35-year-old is easy; as the years go on, it takes more sessions to see results, but your face will be able to express itself with exuberance, and that matters. My older clients report a gentle lift of their face, a huge improvement to their skin tone and coloration, and a reduction of bags under the eyes. For best results, I often recommend Chinese herbal medicine to keep the skin supple and nourished from the inside out and come for general acupuncture between Facial Rejuvenation sessions.
For facial acupuncture treatments, once every 2-3 weeks, followed by a customized maintenance schedule based on individual analysis and results.
My practice is about creating a sanctuary where health is nurtured and elevated to its highest potential. I have been combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern wellness techniques for almost 20 years, specializing in acupuncture, lymphatic drainage, and Chinese herbal remedies, which has helped thousands of women achieve vibrant health and natural beauty. This work is about being 100% present. One-on-one, focused attention allows me to understand my patients on a deep level. I only see one patient at a time to reduce every distraction possible to provide the best care. My goal with each treatment is to tailor an approach that suits your current state of being and helps you achieve a state of wellness inside and out.
I treat my patients how I would like to be treated, so that means needle insertions are very gentle. Can it hurt? Sure, about 1 in 1000 needles I insert are uncomfortable for my clients. That said, there’s a chance of temporary bruising with Facial Acupuncture treatments. If you are on blood thinners, please contact your doctor before booking a session.
Wearing loose and comfortable clothing is recommended. This allows easy access to the skin where needed without restricting movement or circulation. Avoid wearing tight clothes, excessive jewelry, or heavy perfumes to ensure a relaxing and effective session.
To get the most from your facial acupuncture session, having a small snack or light meal before your appointment is best. Eating a light meal provides your body with enough energy for the session without making you feel overly full or sluggish. Avoid large, heavy meals before your treatment, which can lead to discomfort when lying down and may inhibit the relaxation response.
The studio is located at 10 Deblois Street, Newport, RI 02840, off Bellevue in beautiful Newport. Directions via Google maps & Apple maps
Appointments canceled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours' notice will incur a fee equal to 100% of the service total.
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Explore Additional treatments
Non-invasive facial lifting using gentle electrical currents to lift, tone, and revitalize skin
Microcurrent Stimulation
Treatments to promote lymph flow and reduce excess fluids around the face, eyes, jawline, legs & torso
Lymphatic Drainage
Treatments for anxiety, emotional trauma, sports injuries, hormonal wellness and IVF & IUI support.
Traditional Acupuncture
Trusted By Professionals
Stephanie Hartselle, MD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
There are few professionals I feel are brilliant enough for patient and family member referrals. Dr. Catherine is the first name I discuss when sending anyone for acupuncture.
James Rayner, MD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was lucky enough to discover Dr. Catherine’s beautiful space at a very stressful time. Her warmth and skill were outstanding. So relaxing and definitely the best acupuncture I’ve ever experienced.
Kristine Mortel, MD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The most visceral compliment I can give though is this; I am a doctor and I'm truly grateful and at ease to be a patient under her care.
GoogleLaura Whiteley, MD
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dr. Catherine is a true professional. She makes all her clients feel comfortable, and her ability to heal is exceptional.
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Available for in-studio appointments Monday through Friday, with appointment times available all day. The studio is located in Newport, Rhode Island & also offers concierge visits. Get Directions