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Gratitude Really Is Good for You. Here's How to Get Started

Gratitude Really Is Good for You. Here's How to Get Started

Gratitude Really Is Good for You. Here's How to Get Started

Gratitude Really Is Good for You. Here's How to Get Started

As women, we often find ourselves stuck in negative thinking patterns. Whether it's self-critical thoughts, worries about the future, or dwelling on past mistakes, these negative thoughts can take...

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Natural Sleep Aids: Home Remedies for a Good Night's Sleep

Natural Sleep Aids: Home Remedies for a Good Night's Sleep

Sleep is my drug of choice. I love slipping into bed at night and sighing with pleasure at having crossed the finish line of another day. Sweet relief! If I sleep through the night, in the morning...

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15 Amazing Health and Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water

15 Amazing Health and Beauty Benefits of Drinking Water

Every organism relies on water to function. As far as we know, it is essential to life. In the human body, a drop of only a few percent fluid content (1-5%) can impair brain function, increase the...

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The Power of Social Connection: Friends and Their Effect on Your Health

The Power of Social Connection: Friends and Their Effect on Your Health

How Having Friends Affects Your Overall Health and Wellness Spending time with friends should be up there with regular exercise and healthy eating. It turns out that being lonely and disconnected ...

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The Anti-Aging Science of Sleep: 7 Things You Can Do to Get More of It

The Anti-Aging Science of Sleep: 7 Things You Can Do to Get More of It

Hello, lovely readers. As someone who has devoted her life to women's health, wellness, and longevity, I am often approached with concerns about aging. While getting older is a natural part of lif...

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