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Understanding The History of Chinese Medicine and How It Works

Understanding The History of Chinese Medicine and How It Works

Understanding The History of Chinese Medicine and How It Works
Chinese Medicine

Understanding The History of Chinese Medicine and How It Works

How does Chinese medicine differ from Western medicine regarding principles and practices? Chinese Medicine emphasizes the balance of yin and yang and the flow of vital energy or qi. It focuses on...

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Woman balancing on a swing over a waterfall
Chinese Medicine

The Journey of Hormonal Balance: PMS to Menopause & Beyond

I remember wanting to write a book about hormones nineteen years ago, postpartum depression having dumped me on the threshold of motherhood with the thought, “What the fuck just happened to me?” I...

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hand holding two chinese herbal capsules with garden in the background
Chinese Medicine

The Power of Chinese Herbal Medicine for Women's Wellness

It’s unclear how I would have survived the last 23 years without Chinese Herbal Medicine. It sounds like hyperbole, but it's God's honest truth. I started taking Chinese herbs in graduate school w...

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How Chinese Medicine Can Balance Your Mood, Hormones, and Sleep
Chinese Medicine

How Chinese Medicine Can Balance Your Mood, Hormones, and Sleep

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine? First thing first, let’s demystify Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic approach to health that dates back over 2,50...

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